Salon de l'agriculture de Paris
Today I went to the Salon de l'agriculture de Paris, along with everyone else in France, it seems. But after the first wine tasting, I stopped being bothered much by the crowds.

There were no live birds allowed at this year's salon, although there were a few reminders of them.

This plastic goose looks so shy.

After a couple of hours of wandering around, I got a bit hungry. Maybe these guys can tell me where to find some vegetarian food?

Oh, an organic restaurant, surely they'll have something veggie.

Upon closer look, no, they didn't. But that was okay, I was happy to find an excuse to fill up on cheese, wine, chocolate, and candy. The salon comes but once a year, in any case.
Say cheese!

Health food (or as close as I could find). I know there are some vitamins in there somewhere.

After feasting, it was time for the main attraction. There were over 3,000 animals at the salon, there to win prizes in the concours agricole.
Drumroll........will the winner please stand up?

There were no live birds allowed at this year's salon, although there were a few reminders of them.

This plastic goose looks so shy.

After a couple of hours of wandering around, I got a bit hungry. Maybe these guys can tell me where to find some vegetarian food?

Oh, an organic restaurant, surely they'll have something veggie.

Upon closer look, no, they didn't. But that was okay, I was happy to find an excuse to fill up on cheese, wine, chocolate, and candy. The salon comes but once a year, in any case.
Say cheese!

Health food (or as close as I could find). I know there are some vitamins in there somewhere.

After feasting, it was time for the main attraction. There were over 3,000 animals at the salon, there to win prizes in the concours agricole.
Drumroll........will the winner please stand up?